Message from the Executive Principal & CEO
Welcome to the flagship school of GEMS Education, GEMS Our Own English High School, Dubai, which has the rare distinction of being a school of three generations.
Since 1968, GEMS Our own Dubai has created a legacy of safe and vibrant learning and ranks among one of the most sought-after schools in the UAE. The trajectory of the growth of the school from humble beginnings of 27 pupils and 3 teachers to its present indomitable stature of over 10,000 students and 500 staff is indeed remarkable. The school stands well-equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities like the Sports Complex, Astro Turf and integrated ICT facilities.
GEMS Our Own Dubai has the distinction of receiving Very Good rating for eight consecutive years by DSIB, the Inspection Bureau of KHDA and Outstanding Rating for the Health and Safety of the school, right from the inception of school inspections in 2010. Being a constant fixture in the list of the best educational institutions accredited by the KHDA, we are proud to be the first choice for all discerning parents.
Sculpted in the GEMS Core values, our alumni have created a niche for themselves in every conceivable field of work in countries across the globe.
GEMS Our Own Dubai, one of the largest girls’ schools in the world, is more than just a school – we are a family. Working closely and collaboratively with our parents, we provide holistic education to our students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to go out into the practical world with enthusiasm and confidence.
Leadership, we believe, isn't a position or title, it is action and example. It is therefore our endeavour to achieve excellence guided always by the GEMS core values and our inspiring motto 'Lead Kindly Light'.
As we move into a future of innovative learning and discovery, I urge you all to be guided by the wisdom of His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Father of the Nation: ‘Future generations will be living in a world that is very different from that to which we are accustomed. It is essential that we prepare ourselves and our children for that new world’.
Best Wishes,
Thomas Mathew
Executive Principal & CEO