Ms. Ashwini Deshmane
Head of Kindergarten
Ms. Ashwini Deshmane is in the field of education for over 30 years. During this tenure, she has taken up several leadership roles in India and abroad. Ms.Ashwini joined GEMS group in 2016, previous to that, she served as Headmistress at Symbiosis Nursery School and Symbiosis Institute for Teacher Education, Pune for 5 years, served as Principal of Serra International Preschool and also as Academic Supervisor at Indian School, Wadi Kabir, Muscat. Her forte is teacher training and she was felicitated by the Board of Directors of Indian schools in Oman for training in-service teachers.
Ms.Ashwini believes ‘Mankind owes to the child, the best, it has to give’. She began teaching very early in life, yet, her passion for children and love for teaching remains unabated. Under Ms.Ashwini’s guidance, the Kindergarten team is committed to impart quality education to the tiny tots of Our Own, Dubai.